Tuesday, October 29, 2019

UK Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

UK Politics - Essay Example Hover the UK does not have a written constitution but it's governed by convections which are non statutory rules and are equally binding. The monarch is advised by ministers who hail from parliament and it appoints the prime minister, approves legislation and confers honors. As a head of state the monarch is the head of the armed forces. The British monarch (the queen) today has two roles that of head of state and as head of the nation. As the head of sate for Britain she plays an important role in undertaking important constitutional and representational duties. E.g. opening of parliament, approving of the orders in of council, signing acts of parliament plus meeting and conversing with the prime minister and ministers concerning state matters. Other duties include those of representing the state of Britain to the outside world In relation to the government of UK that is headed by a prime minister. The British parliament consists of the monarchy as where the queen is the head, the House of Lords and the House of Commons-which posses the dominant political power hence always supports the government of the day. Her maj esty duties involve the opening of new sessions of parliament and addressing it through the queen's speech. (Drafted by the government and outlines the government agenda), issuance of prorogue, dissolving parliament, assenting to bills and approving orders and proclamations through the Privy Council. Parliament can only meet without a royal summon if the sovereign head has died and parliament is not running. Other duties concern the devolve units of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. On April 10th 1998 the Northern Ireland assembly was formed as part of the Good Friday agreement. It has authority over all devolved responsibilities. The assembly has full legislative authority over education, agriculture, health, social services and on wealth creation. Scotland on the other hand has two parliaments. The Westminster assembly legislates on matters that touch on the whole UK as a state while the one in Edinburgh legislates for the devolved domestic matters. The legislation for legislation was taken from Scotland in 1707 and taken to London till the 21st century on September 1997 when the majority of the Scots voted for a Scottish parliament in a plebiscite. The parliament was official opened by the queen on July 1999 and the new building officially opened by the queen in 2004. It has jurisdiction over primary legislation on matters that concern education, police, environment, economic development law and sets the basic rate of income tax among others. The members of p arliament of the Scottish parliament take the oath of allegiance to the crown. The parliament's first minister is appointed by the queen and receives weekly report from the Scottish parliament. This is done under the statutory law that established the parliament. Wales's power on legislation was devolved in 2006 where the Wales assembly has had power and authority to pass laws to address the local issues in Wales such as on health and education. These acts are passed without the approval of the UK-Parliament. These actions of devolution are clearly

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A PESTEL Analysis of the Republic of China

A PESTEL Analysis of the Republic of China China, also called Republic of China. Political framework for China is dual leadership system which exercised through the communist party of China and the central peoples government. In china, peoples Congress members at the county level are elected by voters. For every five year term, China president and vice president will be elected by peoples congress. Meanwhile, for the state council will be appointed by peoples congress as well. To obtain nationality of china is difficult according the nationality law. As a China citizens who are not allow to hold a multiple citizenship. In the aspect of motivation by government, China maintains a well diplomatic relationship with other foreign country. It participate many international organization participation such as World Trade Organization (WTO), Group of 77 (G-77) and many so on. Inter-country attitude was stable and no war occurs between other. This will leads to encourages many other foreign country invest to China. Currently, China faced some territorial disputes before. Taiwan is one of the examples which successful obtain by China. Taiwan people desire to build up the linkage such as direct transportation system with mainland China for extends their Taiwanese business. As overall for political factor, China government leadership and structures are well being currently. The political trends of China became better as before revolution. Economic factor Economic factor is the most crucial factor part determines the overall environment. For chinas economic growth, it economic keep growing rapidly due to their open for outside world which are welcome other foreign country to investment (large scale capital investment such as opening its banking sectors) and productivity growth. Besides that, Chinas governments are investing into developing the education and technology aspect. This enhances the sector of technology changes. Last but not least, China tend toward urbanization which became an important driver among the globalization market demand and produced a low cost market for other foreign country tend toward invest in China. China is the bigger population in the world which around 1.3 billion people (Wikipedia, 2010). This population factor influence the spending levels. Compare with other country, China government are invest a huge capital in technology factor and at the same times, people purchasing power are strong as well. China average annual growth about 6 percents and next of the 20 years will allow China revolution became high income nation (Lou, 2010). In the taxation part, China implements those basic taxes such as business tax and income tax. For the international taxation, China is corporate with 46 countries which sign up the double taxation agreement. Chinas trade pattern continues to grow dramatically, the size of the export and imports keep increasing. China is one of the ASEAN members so that for the tarries and barriers within the country will reduce. The top trading partners for China are European, United State, Japan, and Hong Kong. Nowadays, China GDP slows to 9.6% in the third quarter of the year 2010. The unemployment rate in China was last reported at 4.20 percent in March of 2010 and the inflation rate increase to 3.60 percent in September of 2010 (Trading economics, 2010). Social factor China demographics Overpopulation problem causes many economic crises like lack of food, water and other basic amenities. As a result of its aging population, Chinas government introduces the one child campaign due to the ever growing population of China. Government is trying to control the population by allowing just one child per family. It controls family size and the overpopulation problem. As estimated, population will shift in future which decline from 9 in 2006 to 2.5 by year 2050 according to the Washington. For the healthcare, recently Chinas healthcare system has improvement slowed. For example, China spends 5.8 percent of its GDP as compare other developing country such as South Africa (8.7 percent), Brazil (7.9 percent) and India (6.1 percent). Yet, healthcare expenditures as a percentage of GDP have been increasing in China. By iimproving the healthcare system is important to raise living standards, therefore the lifestyle changes and the living standard increase in China. This is because that China toward the urbanization. Furthermore, Chinas economic growth rapidly recently years. Besides that, governments invest to the education industry boost up the individual became knowledgeable. This will increase the opportunity of working for an individual. On the other hand, many foreign direct investments in China provide more opportunity of occupation for Chinas citizen. From this, the high income nation will achieve in future, so that individual purchasing power will increase to enjoy a more quality lifestyle. Technology factor Technology changes rapid throughout the world. Innovation with technology compliance will increase the China own productivity and reduce the exports of growth. By implement advance technology, more information can be gain by the country and will discoveries more new advantages like manufacturing advances, new research, and transportation infrastructure can be more convenience by using high technology implement. Science aspect like energy fuels usages, bio-tech, genetics, agri-tech all can be benefit through this factor. Many country advocate save the world by recycling. By using advance technology, goods can be done by using those used product and process a new product to the society. At the same time, recycling can be done. Most of the company will choose China as the production plant, so that, advance technology will be imports in China and at the same time, new technology able help to save much cost. Environment factor There many external factor been catogories in enviromental factor such as change of weather, and climate changes, which might impact many industries such as tourism, farming, and insurance. Furthermore, increasing awareness of these potential impacts of climate changes are changing how a company operates. The enviromental factor are can not be amendment by China itself. It depend other external enviroment like the enviromental regulation swhich is the rules or regulation that set by other country like tariff and quota. However, there are some country will do protection onward their own product. The  Environmental Performance Index  (EPI) is a way in quantifying benchmarking the  environmental performance of a countrys policies.  According to 2010 environmental performance index, China score 49.8% of EPI and 58.7% of environmental health. Among the Asia country, China get the 18th places of its. One of the major reasons due to many industry factories builds at their effect the environment health. The air pollution of environmental health in China is at the 40.07% (Environmental Performance Index  ranking among Asia and pacific, 2010) Legal factor Legal factor include regulatory of the country. Company which analysis by this PESTEL analysis is to determine the strategy should be implementing on that. As china, employment rate fluctuant small. Employer will choose to have a factory at China that might due to low cost labor if compare with other country. Major Law in employment law is the labor law which is to protect labor benefits. According that, included all penalty, the standard working hours and the overtime minimum payment for ensure employee able get the benefits that should obtain. Furthermore, many companies decided invest their business in China and built up their industry and factory.Therefore the industry specific regulation to protect Chinas industry. Competitive regulation such as implement the taxes on foreign good to protect own good comparison. There are some functions and Powers of Organizations existence with Consumer Protection Responsibilities such as Consumers Association of China (CAC), State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) and State Bureau of Quality Technical Supervision (SBQTS).

Friday, October 25, 2019

The WWW and Problem Based Learning in Introductory Philosophy :: Education Teaching Essays

The WWW and Problem Based Learning in Introductory Philosophy ABSTRACT: This essay explains how problem-based learning and the World Wide Web (WWW) may be used in collaboration to shift student learning experiences in dramatic ways and to encounter the tasks and concerns of philosophy. We will provide a guided tour of the web site and the problems used in the course, and will describe how these pedagogical strategies may be used to complement traditional classroom venues without making a commitment to offering a course completely on-line for distance learning scenarios. Problem-based learning will also be described and its importance to philosophical instruction will be emphasized. We argue that teaching philosophy by means of problems is more philosophically sound than taking a discrete topical or textual approach. Challenges to this pedagogy are uncovered and discussed. This paper will focus on two significant instructional methods, problem based learning and the use of the web as a teaching tool. It will provide details of the ways in which these two methods have been merged in an Introductory Philosophy class. We will be demonstrating the navigation of our Introduction to Philosophy course web site. I. Problem Based Learning Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a method of teaching and learning that stresses problem solving activities as a means to encountering and applying knowledge. (Barrows, 1984) It develops out of a strong concern that traditional education stresses the acquisition of factual knowledge without long term retention of that information, the ability to apply the material, the skill to think critically, or the understanding of the context in which knowledge develops and relates. (Norman, 1988, Bridges, 1992, Walton and Matthews, 1989).PBL uses a set of problems - simulations, ethical dilemmas, case studies, medical diagnoses or decisions, legal disputes, public policy issues - as the framework for student learning. The closer the problem is to a real life, relevant problem, the better it functions as a learning motivator. (Bridges, 1992). In traditional lecture and discussion format classes, the instructor introduces the material that he/she deems appropriate and then tests the students knowl edge of the material. In PBL, the student is initially confronted with a problem that requires a solution. The problem drives the student assignments and learning tasks. It is the avenue through which students become acquainted with the material. Barbara Duch says "In a traditional science class, learning tends to proceed from the abstract to the concrete, with concepts being introduced first, followed by an application problem.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Is mankind responsible for global warming? Essay

Chanmok. (2007). Global Warming and Human Pollution. AuthorHouse. This book particularly identifies the issue of global warming, and how it has been allegedly related to the human activities that affect the environment. The said activities result to primarily pollution that affects the nature’s capability of balancing the elements of environment that actually generates the living system of humans on Earth. It also features different cases about the situation that makes it certain that humans do have a part on the greater development of global warming today and towards the future as well. For the research to be handled, this literature would be much helpful as it would introduce the different issues that bind the situation in connection with human activities affecting the environment. H. Liu. (2005). Human activities and global warming: a co-integration analysis [An article from: Environmental Modeling and Software]. Elseiver Publishing. This article extends the identification of human involvement in the sense of existing global warming today. The endangered systems in the environment today results to a less alleviating system of life that could host human activities and this issue is what is featured through this material. This analytical material would increase the validation of the information presented through the research as it would present several cases that are in relation to the issue being tackled in the research. Bruce Barcott. (2008). Our broken home: global warming and habitat loss–caused by us–are driving a mass extinction. (Critical essay): An article from: On Earth [HTML]. Thompson Gale Publishing. This reading has made a certain thought on the part of Barcott’s belief with regards global warming and the relationship of human activities towards the system of natural balancing that later own results to devastating effect for the environment. The particular claims of the author in this reading mainly concerns the presentation of the actual situation in a researchable approach that would most increase the research’s practicality for discussion. Nancy Kress. (2003). Nothing Human. Golden Gryphon Press; 1 edition. Unlike all other literature within the context, this book raises the thought that humans have had nothing to do with the issues of global warming. Most likely, through the arguments hosted in this reading, the ideas of human involvement in the situation have been lifted for clarity. For the sake of argument, this reading would help the researcher in presenting the other side of the issue thus balancing the approach of the discussion to be used by the researcher in the context of the study. Michael E. Schlesinger. (2007). Human-Induced Climate Change: An Interdisciplinary Assessment. Cambrsidge University Press; 1 edition. This reading introduces the different ways by which the situation could be dealt with. It also provides response to the different issues of the situation that are related to human involvement in the said environmental phenomena. This reading material shall be a huge help in proving that humans have a great involvement to the situation being dealt with. Likely, the matter is then served in a more case-based explanation. Bill W. Tillery. (2006). Physical Science. McGraw Hill Higher Education; 7th edition. This book introduces the system of environmental balances that are needed to keep the systems of living on earth much possible for existence. This book then shall help in researcher with regards the connection of human activities with certain natural phenomena occurring today.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dwight D. Eisenhower Research Paper

Rainey Hampton December 2011 3:A Speech World War Two Speech There must be no second-class citizens in this country. – President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Dwight D. Eisenhower, General of the Army and the 34th President of the United States, was not only a remarkable soldier, but also a great leader. Bringing to his presidency his reputation as a commanding general of the successful troops in Europe during World War II, Eisenhower secured a truce in Korea and worked endlessly during his two terms to ease the tensions of the Cold War. Eisenhower's â€Å"Modern Republicanism† brought a sense of security and honor to an uncertain America Was said of him by US History. Com Early years Dwight David Eisenhower was born on October 14th, 1890, in a house in Denison, Texas. His ancestors had emigrated from Germany to Pennsylvania early in the 18th century. After a short stay in Texas, the family moved to Abilene, Kansas. His father, David, worked as a mechanic in a local creamery. His mother, Ida, a Mennonite, was a pacifist (didn't believe in violence and war ). Eisenhower was a very respectful child he did chores around the house, had a love for hunting and fishing, but also enjoying baseball and football — becoming a star athlete. He had minimal interest in school subjects, but eagerly read military history. Eisenhower graduated from Abilene High School in 1909. After two years of working odd jobs, he was appointed to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, but was too old for admittance. However, in 1910, he received an appointment to West Point. West Point Although Eisenhower had no preliminary ambitions to become a soldier, he entered West Point — attracted by a free higher education — and passed the entrance exams in 1911. Eisenhower was an average student at the academy, but later surprised the military community with exceptional ability. At one point, he nearly had to retire his studies because of a sports injury. Ranking 61st out of 164 in his class, Eisenhower graduated in 1915. World War I While stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Eisenhower met his beloved and future first lady, Mamie Geneva Doud, whom he married in Denver, Colorado, on July 1, 1916. The couple had two sons: Doud Dwight Eisenhower, who died in infancy from scarlet fever, and John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower. Eisenhower was promoted to captain in 1917 when America entered World War I. Just two years into his army career, he had already been seen by his superiors as a young officer with excellent organizational skills. For this reason, Eisenhower was not sent over seas but sent to Camp Colt,Gettysburg. At the camp, one of America’s first tank units was being formed, and it was Eisenhower’s job to train the men. His leadership skills became obvious, and even though Eisenhower had not seen combat yet, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal. Further education Eisenhower would continue his participation with tanks. He met Colonel George S. Patton, future tank general, at Camp Meade in Maryland. Eisenhower was assigned to the Panama Canal Zone in 1922, where Brigadier General Fox Connor swiftly became his mentor. With large military-history expertise, General Connor taught Eisenhower strategy and tactics from his own experiences, as well as other political and military encounters. In accordance with Connor, young Eisenhower was stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where he attended the Command and General Staff School – a training ground for promising leaders. While there, Eisenhower received the honor of best student out of a class of 300 in 1926. By 1928, Eisenhower had also graduated first in his class at the Army War College. The 38-year-old major was building an extraordinary resume, and high-ranking officials began to take notice. General Douglas MacArthur, army chief of staff, quickly sought out Major Eisenhower. By 1932, Eisenhower, stationed as an aide to MacArthur, began the tedious task of building and training a Philippines army in Manila. Eisenhower continued his call of duty with MacArthur's Army in the Philippines for seven years. In 1939, Lieutenant Colonel Eisenhower returned home. A relatively small American army in proportion to the size of the nation existed in 1939. That would change with World War II. World War II9 With the threat of a second world war on the brink of unfolding, senior officers skilled in organization were on high demand — and Eisenhower's organizational skills were his strong suit. In 1941, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. After the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, General George C. Marshall, the army's chief of staff, put Eisenhower in charge of the War Plans Division based in Washington, D. C. In 1942, General Marshall placed him in command of the invasion of North Africa. In 1944, he was made Supreme Allied Commander for the invasion of Normandy on D-Day and gave this famous message. The meticulous planning Eisenhower had been responsible for overseeing, paid off. Compared to the numbers involved, few Allied troops were killed on D-Day, the exception being the casualties at bloody Omaha Beach, one of the landing zones. From Normandy in northern France, the Allies pushed out and Paris was freed in August. On December 15th, 1944, in recognition of the work he had done, Eisenhower was promoted to the highest rank in the American army — General of the Army. A five-star rank that was retired after World War II. Just a few days later, Eisenhower had to put up defenses against the Germans' surprise counterattack in the Ardennes — the Battle of the Bulge. The Germans finally surrendered on May 7th, 1945. After the war, Eisenhower served as U. S. Army Chief of Staff. In 1948, he retired from the army, later becoming president of Columbia University, and then head of NATO in 1950. President of the United States Eisenhower was a popular president throughout his two terms in office. With a campaign slogan that couldn't miss, â€Å"I like Ike,† Eisenhower and his vice president, Richard M. Nixon, posted landslide victories in both 1952 and 1956. His moderate Republican policies helped him secure many victories in Congress, where Democrats held the majority during six of the eight years that Eisenhower was in the White House. Eisenhower helped to strengthen such established programs as Social Security and launch important new ones, such as the Interstate Highway System in 1956, which became the single largest public works program in U. S. history. In domestic policy the president pursued a middle course, continuing most of the New Deal and Fair Deal programs, and emphasizing a balanced budget. There were problems and failures as well as achievements. Although he signed civil rights legislation in 1957 and 1960, Eisenhower disliked having to deal with racial issues. He never endorsed the Supreme Court’s ruling in 1954, Brown v. Board of Education (Kansas), that racially segregated schools were unconstitutional, and he failed to use his moral authority as president to urge speedy compliance with the court’s decision. In 1957, he did send federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, when mobs tried to block the desegregation of Central High School, but he did so because he had a constitutional obligation to uphold the law, not necessarily because he supported integration. Eisenhower also refrained from publicly criticizing Senator Joseph McCarthy, who used his powers to abuse the civil liberties of dozens of citizens whom he accused of anti-American activities. Eisenhower privately despised McCarthy, and he worked behind the scenes with congressional leaders to erode McCarthy's influence. Eisenhower’s indirect tactics eventually worked, but they also prolonged the senator’s power, since many people concluded that even the president was unwilling to confront McCarthy. In September 1955, Eisenhower suffered a heart attack in Denver, Colorado. After seven weeks he left the hospital, and in February 1956 doctors reported his recovery. In November he was elected for his second term. Cold War Six months after he became president, Eisenhower secured an agreement that ended three years of fighting in Korea. On only one other occasion, in Lebanon in 1958, did Eisenhower send combat troops into action. However, defense spending remained high as Eisenhower vigorously waged the Cold War, the acute ideological, political, military and economic contest between Communist countries and the West, just short of hot war. He placed new emphasis on nuclear strength — popularly known as â€Å"massive retaliation† — to prevent the outbreak of world war. Eisenhower also frequently authorized the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to undertake secret interventions to overthrow unfriendly governments or protect reliable anti-Communist leaders whose power was threatened. The CIA helped topple the governments of Iran in 1953 and Guatemala in 1954, but it suffered an embarrassing failure in 1958 when it intervened in Indonesia. Eisenhower avoided war in Indochina in 1954 when he did not authorize an air strike to rescue French troops at the crucial Battle of Dien Bien Phu. After the French granted independence to the nations of Indochina (Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam), Eisenhower employed U. S. power and prestige to help create a non-Communist government in South Vietnam, an action that would exert disastrous long-term consequences. The death of Joseph Stalin (1953), during Eisenhower's first term in office, caused shifts in relations with Russia. Eisenhower â€Å"waged peace,† hoping to improve U. S. Soviet relations. His attempts made it possible for future negotiations on a treaty that would ban nuclear testing in the air and seas. Unfortunately, the Soviet downing of a U. S. reconnaissance plane — the U-2 spy plane incident of May 1, 1960 — ended any prospect of a treaty before Eisenhower left office. Later years Throughout and beyond his term as president, Eisenhower followed his mo ther's heart and concentrated on maintaining world peace. He watched in delight the development of his â€Å"atoms for peace† program — loans of American uranium to â€Å"have-not† nations for peaceful purposes. In a speech of less than 10 minutes, on January 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower delivered his political farewell to the American people on national television from the Oval Office of the White House. Before he left office for his Gettysburg farm , emphasized the necessity of maintaining adequate military strength, but cautioned: In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. He concluded with a prayer for peace â€Å"in the goodness of time. † Both themes remain timeless and urgent more than 40 years after his departure from this world on March 28, 1969, following a long battle with coronary heart disease. Mamie Eisenhower continued to live on the farm, devoting more time to family and friends, then died on November 1, 1979. Her remains are buried beside those of her husband and first child in a small chapel, on the grounds of the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas. Regarding Atoms for PeaceThe United States would seek more than the mere reduction or elimination of atomic materials for military purposes. It is not enough to take this weapon out of the hands of the soldiers. It must be put into the hands of those who will know how to strip its military casing and adapt it to the arts of peace. Quotes regarding Dwight D. Eisenhower. By George S. Patton Jr. Of all the many talks I had in Washington, none gave me such pleasure as that with you. There were two reasons for this. In the first place, you are about my oldest friend. In the second place, your self-assurance and to me, at least, demonstrated ability, give me a great feeling of confidence about the future †¦ and I have the utmost confidence that through your efforts we will eventually beat the hell out of those bastards — â€Å"You name them; I'll shoot them!   Letter to Eisenhower in 1942 By Norman RockwellEisenhower had about the most expressive face I ever painted, I guess. Just like an actor's. Very mobile. When he talked, he used all the facial muscles. And he had a great, wide mouth that I liked. When he smiled, it was just like the sun came out. Order of the Day: 6 June 1944SUPREME HEADQUARTERSALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! You are abou t to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world. Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely. But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory! I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory! Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking. SIGNED: Dwight D. Eisenhower