Monday, December 2, 2019

Introduction Essay Example Essay Example

Introduction Essay Example Paper Essay Introduction Essay Introduction On the job training or and OJT is one method by which students is given a chance to apply the theories computations that they have learned from the school. It also helps the students to acquire relevant knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. Colleges and universities require their students to undergo such training within a specific number of hours as part of the curriculum. For the students, an OJT or internship program provides opportunities togo through the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipments and documents.In effect, the workplace becomes a development venue for a student trainee to learn more about his chosen field and practice what he has learn from academy . On the other hand, an effective OJT program also benefits the companies who accept trainees. First OJT or intern provides additional manpower for a lesser labor cost than a regular employee. Most of them are all eager to learn the ropes so chances are high that they wil l cooperate. Employers can use this internship strategy as a method in recruiting new employees.Since the trainer or the supervisor can follow the trainees’ progress, he can gauge based on performance, behavior and attitude if the trainee will make a good recruit after the completion of his internship. 1 OJT’s can bring fresh ideas into the organization. Given the opportunity tospeak their minds freely and without fear, they maybe able to contributesignificantly in brainstorming sessions or research and eventually help improvethe organizations productivity.While training the interns, employers are in factalso teaching their employees to process of guiding the trainees stretches their patience, develops teaching skills and makes them more sensitive to the needsand mind set of the younger generation. The course of supervision also teachesthem how to share what they know and be receptive to questions. Hence, theinternship also becomes an avenue in training for future mana gers of thecompany. Accommodating on-the-job trainees can truly be beneficial not only to thetrainees but also to the companies that provide opportunities for this type of learning.There is wisdom in the front lines. Such training can be an investmentthat will be valuable to the company later on. This is also why trainees shouldtake their internship seriously as it can become a powerful tool and possibly evena source of recommendation when they take that big lift from being students tocareer professionals. 2 Introduction On the job training, at times referred to as direct instruction, is among the earliest types of training (Observational learning). OJT is a one-on-one training situated at the job place, where an individual who understands how to perform a task explains to another person how to do it.In olden days, the type of job that individuals did was mostly unskilful or semi-skilled job which did not entail specialized skills. On-the-job training presently is still extensively in used. Indeed, it is perhaps the most accepted mode of training since it requires simply an individual who understands how to perform the job, and the means the individual uses to perform the duty. OJT may not be the most efficient or the most effective process sometimes, however, OJT is the simplest to organize and control.Since the OJT training is undertaken on the job, it is quite practical. OJT is regularly low-cost as no particular tools are required other than from what is usually applied on the job. (Gubman, 1998) Narrative report College of Arts and Letters Bulacan State University City of Malolos, Bulacan OJT NARRATIVE REPORT (For Television) I, Lady Lee, a broadcasting student from BAMC-4C, had completed a total of OneHundred Fifty (150) hours of office practicum with Technical Operations Division/ FilmArchives in ABS-CBN, Quezon City from April 03, 2012 to May 07, 2012.On the first day of my internship, I felt so nervous to commit mistakes because I was anewbie at that time and I also felt afraid mostly when I was having a conversation with thesuperiors. But in that moment I realized, I need to prove that I am firm, flexible and versatile inany kind of circumstances. And I often showed them my best to make them amazed. During my training days, I often practiced myself to wake-up early in the morning just tobe on-time and until now I am so proud to myself because I maintain it.And in line with this, Ialways did accomplish the activities of Film Archives very well; I did paper works andcompilation of films; I also experienced to answer phone calls, transcribe and rewind tapes; Andlastly, I would like to mention the most unforgetable and most tiring activities ,which happenedinside the big Vault of Film Archives, such as getting, returning and arranging of tapes/ films,researching and encoding Filmographic details, previewing of Filipino movies for assessment,monitoring of temperature and humidity at the archives vault and other office related activi ties.Then, at the end of the day, I will give myself enough time to rest to get ready for the next tiringday. Grueling yet enjoyable. Enjoyable because I knew these are the works that I may attain inthe near future. And I hope it may come true. As time went by, I learned to value intimacy and close-knit relationship together with myco-trainees and superiors. I learned principles of archiving. I learned to handle myresponsibilities as well as my accountability to the station. I also observed proper timemanagement and act with speed and urgency. I will not forget this internship mostly the last day, which is May 07, 2012.Yes, it wasthe day I end my intership, but that day was the day I totally developed my personality andcapabilities. Ojt experiences After a two-week long hiatus from â€Å"blogging,† I’m now back with a vengeance (haha yeah right! ). I’ve been too caught up with work as if I were actually a regular employee of the company and as if I were being co mpensated for my work. I guess it comes with the territory of being a/an practicumer, OJT, intern. I would have preferred it to be this way though rather than doing nothing at all or being made as gophers. I may be swamped with work but at least I’m being a productive citizen of this world (haha).If there’s anything that I’ve learned to do, more than anything else, it’s creating and designing webpages. To some extent, I kind of feel proud of myself. I started out with nothing and worried as hell that I wouldn’t be able to do the job well but here I am now – the webmaster. the guru. Okay fine that was a little bit exaggerated (hehe). Today was supposed to be our last day of our on-the-job-training. I was already looking forward to extending my sleeping hours in the morning but it didn’t surprise me anymore that again, something came up.So what else is new, right? We weren’t able to say our formal goodbyes with our supervisors. I t was lunch time already when we finished and since we had to leave already and could no longer wait for after lunch, we decided to leave a note instead. It wasn’t really the proper thing to do but that was the only option unanimously acceptable and available at that time. Later in the afternoon, I got a text though from my supervisor asking if I could come in tomorrow because he wanted to discuss and make some changes in the Intranet.Since I was assigned to the Intranet and not that I have any other choice to begin with, I agreed to go to work tomorrow. Anne, Mae and Pan will not be coming in for work tomorrow since they have no more work to do. So I guess I’m on my own for now. Good luck to me! ;gt; In sum, the whole OJT experience wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, the 200 hours was a breeze except for those days when I had a hard time waking up, when traffic was really bad and when I was feeling lazy and out of it. Going to work and seeing some friendly faces helped a great deal.Having to do OJT with friends made it a whole lot easier for me. It was also nice to have to go to work together everyday with my sisters (and having occasional lunch outs at UCC or Oliver’s). I’m sure the real world wouldn’t always have as many friendly faces but we all, relationships that is, have to start somewhere. Before all the relationships and friendships have even started, we were but strangers in this sea of unfamiliar and nameless faces. Intro On the job training or OJT is one method by which students is given a chance to apply the theories and computations that they have learned from the school.It also helps the student to acquire knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. Colleges and Universities require their students to undergo such training within a specific number of hours as part of the curriculum. For the students, an OJT or internship program provides opportunities to go through the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipments and documents. In effect, the workplace becomes a development venue for a student trainee to learn more about his chosen field and practice what he has learn from the school.On the other hand, an effective OJT program also benefits the companies who accept trainees. First OJT or intern provides additional manpower for a lesser. [continues] Introduction On the job training, at times referred to as direct instruction, is among the earliest types of training (Observational learning). OJT is a one-on-one training situated at the job place, where student who understands how to perform a task explains to another person how to do it. On-the-job training presently is still extensively in used.Indeed, it is perhaps the most accepted mode of training since it requires simply an individual who understands how to perform the job, and the means the individual uses to perform the duty. OJT may not be the most efficient or the most e ffective process sometimes, however, OJT is the simplest to organize and control. Since the OJT training is undertaken on the job, it is quite practical. OJT is regularly low-cost as no particular tools are required other than from what is usually applied on the job. Ojt is also a method by which student is given a chance Essay Body Paragraphs Essay Thank you for reading this Sample!

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