Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Hierarchy and politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hierarchy and politics - Essay Example He is frustrated by his two daughters as a result of handing over power to them he says, â€Å"I would learn that; for by the marks of sovereignty, knowledge and reason, I should be false persuaded I had daughters† (I. 4, 755-756). In politics, hierarchy does not always provide the best alternative to leadership. The treatise written by James I, Basilikon Doran outline the true qualities of a leader. First, the king should keep track of his duties and responsibilities towards God, his roles and responsibilities while in office and lastly, he should have proper behavior regarding his day to day life (James I, 13). King Lear violates one of his roles as a king by dividing his kingdom to his three daughters other than giving it to the oldest son. â€Å"Tell me, my daughters, since now we will divest us both of rule, Interest of territory, cares of state†, (I. 1, 49-51). James I, also advised his son to be calm and watch his temper, â€Å"but I meane of that wise moderatio n, that first commaunding your selfe, shall as a Queene commaund all the affections and passions of your mind; and, as a Physician, wisely mixe all your actions according thereto† (James I, 28). The king should be slow to anger and wise in his judgment. King Lear does not apply this lesson before he dismisses his daughter Cordelia for her honesty. His daughter is open and she bluntly confesses that she loves him just as a daughter should love the father. â€Å"Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave My heart into my mouth. I love your Majesty According to my bond; no more nor less† (I. 1, 93-95). The king lets his anger control him and he disowns his honest daughter. He later makes a painful discovery that his two daughters whom he gave the kingdom were dishonest. The king violated the lesson regarding his day to day activities as a leader of the nation. Kings are expected to be in their modest behavior and are regarded as role models. They are the eye of the society; any act ivity done should be reasonable. â€Å"Remember therefore in all your actions, of the great account that yee are one daie to make: in all the daies of your life euer learning to die, and liuing euery day as it were your last† (James I, 37). The manner in which they eat, relate with their family and they sport they take. â€Å"Let me not stay a jot for dinner; go get it ready† (IV. 543). The king does not behave with authority and sanity when he decides to flee from his daughter’s house and run into the storm with his fool. It is inappropriate for the king to run away from leadership yet he is still regarded as the head of the family. He does not handle his daughters appropriately. According to James I, a king should be modest and behave in his best composure. He should rid himself off any circumstances that will destabilize his thinking in order to make clear judgment. He says,† be precise in effect, but social in shew: kythe [make known] more by your deed es then by your words the loue of vertue and hatred of vice: and delight more to bee godlie and vertuous in deede then to be thought and called so† (James I, 40). King Lear does not do this; he allows his madness to take the better part of him which makes him behave insanely. Cordelia finds out about his madness and seeks to help him. She says, â€Å"Alack, 'tis he! Why, he was met even now As mad asthe vex'd sea,

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