Sunday, November 3, 2019

Cryptography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Cryptography - Research Paper Example Security requires constant and periodic changes to pace up and counter the threats that are ever increasing. We will use blowfish algorithm with the Secure Socket layer v3. Similarly, cryptography also goes with the same approach of upgrading new state of the art encryption algorithms one after another and from safe to the safest, so that it cannot be cracked. The tool utilized in this scenario is ‘keepass’ that is an open source tool for storing all the passwords in a database that is encrypted (Popov). The database can also be encrypted by blow fish (Anonymous2007, 71-71), as it incorporates no weak keys and the design is simple and understandable that supports analysis, algorithm integrity and repeatable block ciphers (Anderson. n.d). Likewise, block ciphers are 64 bits in length with variable length keys. S-boxes are dependent on large keys that are more resilient to cryptanalysis (Anderson. n.d). Moreover, permutations are key dependent with a support of diverse ope rations associated with mathematics that is integrated with XOR and addition (Anderson). For attacking the encrypted files, hacker can use many attack methods for retrieving the password files stored in the database maintained by ‘keepass’. The plaintext and cipher text methods of attacks incorporates a cryptanalyst that has an access to plaintext and the conforming cipher text and pursues to find association in between the two. Whereas, a cipher text is associated with an attack in which cryptanalyst is accessible to cipher text and do not have access to conforming plaintext. Hacker can use generic ciphers such as Caesar, frequency analysis for cracking the cipher on mission critical system. Moreover, hacker can also use a plaintext and chosen cipher text attack for retrieving the passwords. This type of attack incorporates a cryptanalyst that is capable of encrypting a plaintext of choice and examines the results of cipher text. This type of attack is most generic for asymmetric cryptography, as the hacker can gain public key via cryptanalyst. The hacker can also choose cipher text attack that incorporates a cryptanalyst selecting a cipher text that seeks for a similar plaintext and decrypt oracle that is a machine for decrypting data without exposure of key. Moreover, an attack can be executed the attack on public key encryption, as it initiate with a cipher text and seeks for similar matched plaintext data available publically. Adaptive attacks (Krawczyk) can also be used, as these attacks incorporate a cryptanalyst that selects plaintext or cipher text on the basis of previous results. Side channel attacks can also be utilized for data available in a mission critical workstation. These types of attacks extracts information associated with the physical deployment of cryptographic algorithm along with the hardware utilized for encrypting or decrypting data. These cryptographic methods mentioned earlier presume that access to plain text and ciph er text is available to cryptanalyst and often to both types of data along with a possibility of cryptographic algorithms. Moreover, a side channel attack initiated by the hacker can expand its scope such as CPU cycles utilize or time taken for

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