Friday, January 3, 2020

The Impact Of Mass Media On Body Image - 1255 Words

Anyone who has ever been online has seen food, transformation, or other health related images and videos on social media, online magazines/blogs, and mass media in general. Mass media has caused an enormous amount of controversy within the last few years concerning body image and what is politically correct. However, mass media’s impact on health can be beneficial if it is used the correct way. The social media aspect of mass media has become something that is involved in most people’s everyday lives; and it’s not going away anytime soon. Mass media posts need to be controlled so companies and public figures do not promote unhealthy, unrealistic body images; and instead endorse a healthy standard to benefit readers both physically and†¦show more content†¦The Journal of Marketing Analytics conducted a study on the reliance of social media compared to traditional media. Cheong reveals, â€Å"For instance, Facebook has become the most popular Website in t he world and the second most popular in the United States, following Google.† (Cheong, Hyukjun) Also, Google is how people search for any site. So, it makes absolute sense that they are number one. That would in comparison, make Facebook the most popular non-search engine site. According to an online survey conducted by The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, people use social media for many reasons. This includes maintaining relationships/forming new ones and for academic purposes. (S Gà ¼zin, MAZMAN) MAZMAN states, â€Å"Research has shown that many people connect to social network sites at least once per day.† (S Gà ¼zin, MAZMAN) This means people are constantly vulnerable to what is on social media. While social media may be deeply incorporated in everyone’s lives, it does have negative health effects. Body image ideals develop when people are children. NASDAQ released an article stating that the idea of body image can develop as early as five . Common sense media’s CEO, Jim Steyer, argued, â€Å"Kids and teens today are growing up in a world of 24/7 access and exposure to idealized, stereotypical, and often age inappropriate images of how they’re supposed to look.† (â€Å"New Report by Common Sense Media Reveals Kids Body ImageShow MoreRelatedThe Influences Of Mass Media On Society864 Words   |  4 PagesThe Influences of Mass Media on Society For the greater majority of the American society, the presence of mass media is a normal part of everyday lives. With the purpose of mass media being to educate, entertain and inform, the excessive violence, self imaging, and lack of full detail on world events, is having negative influences and unhealthy impacts on society. As early as the 1920s, a form of the media has been present in the American society. 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