Sunday, January 19, 2020

Utilizing Leadership and Communication in Management

Communication and effective leadership are widely considered to be the major challenges facing managers in the 20th century in their respective workplace. It is crucial in any management scenario for an effective leader to be a fluent, competent and expert communicator. In essence, this can be applied to all leadership scenarios whether it is organisational, recreational or even military based. If not utilised properly, the situation of a manager who is lacking key communication qualities can easily lead to the downfall of the organisation.It therefore gives credence to the idea that a successful organisation is one who utilises the methods of upright leadership and effective communication in their internal and external management. The process of communication is defined as â€Å"an interpersonal process of sending and receiving symbols with messages attached to them† (Schermerhorn 2011, p. 457). This in a practical sense is the ability to convey a person’s verbal or no n-verbal messages to achieve an understanding of what they require (Brown & Cliquet 2008).This can be in the form of verbal conversation stating tasks that a person is required to do or in the non-verbal form which is usually in the system of body language to emphasise certain verbal directions. In terms of a business organisation, the manager must be effective in their communication otherwise their directions will be lost to either the employee, stakeholders or even the customers (Schermerhorn, 2011). This would lead to the fact that manager’s passing of information is only successful when they are actively telling the employee in regards to a task that they have to undertake.This can be in the form of active listening sessions or improving the means of communication. This can be through improving communication techniques in technology or closing barriers which are hindering effective communication (Schermerhorn 2011 p. 460 – 467). This theory must be applied to many businesses and organisations around the world because without the necessary effective communication, information cannot be passed on therefore leading to a stagnation of possibly crucial material (Bratton et. l, 2007). Senior Professor at the University of Auckland Peter Boxall suggests that in regards to communication with human resources across transnational corporations that: â€Å"[Communication] is the attempt to build ‘constructive’ relationships with trade unions†¦broad ranging discussion are held with extensive information provided to the unions on a whole range of discussions. Emphasis is also placed on techniques designed to enhance individual employee commitment to the firm† (Boxall, 1995 p. 6-57). This quote suggests that to maintain a successful relationship between transnational trade unions, you must have apt communication from the executives to the workers otherwise the flow of material will become stagnant and the information will not be pas sed (Boxall, 1995). An example poor communication can be attributed to Michelle Smeby’s case study of a fortune 100 company named Holistic Change Ltd.They had neglected to tell the stakeholders of potential changes in the information technology section of the workplace which would vastly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the workplace (Schermerhorn 2011), (Smeby 2011). Holistic Change Ltd. could have handled the situation better if they had planned the change; including informing the stakeholders so they could make a formative assessment on whether it would be beneficial to the company (Smeby 2011).It proved to be a hindrance to the company which led to a reduction to their share price. This was due to the shareholders not possessing a full access of all the information that the company was retaining leading to an uncertainty of future projections and profits (Smeby 2011). Many businesses fail to implement effective communication techniques due to the fact that the training initiatives and education could become very expensive and is usually regarded an unimportant part of the daily management of a company (Bratton, 2007).This does not just apply from the managers to the employees of an organisation, but it also applies with the organisations communication skills with the customer (Peterson, 2006 p. 36). It is stating that it is necessary in an organisation without proper communication with the customers, it will unable to either sell its goods or services. The ‘Business Source Complete’ journal article reflections are identical to the statements regarding the importance of effective communication with customer by suggesting that in the approach of seeking ew customers, the organisation has to undertake four key tactics. These include media relations, speaking opportunities, media partnerships and special events (Weber & Chadwick, 2004). Because the organisation is actively seeking out ways to express their company through methods of communication, it will most likely succeed in the objective of gaining new customers to improve revenue (Business Source Complete, 2004). This therefore gives credence to the fact that effective communication is necessary in the success of an organisation.In response to effective communication with to employees, it is crucial to apply with the effective and efficient communication skills which are stated by Schermerhorn as â€Å"the intended meaning of the source and the perceived meaning of the receiver are identical [which] occurs at minimum cost† (Schermerhorn 2011, p. 458). This therefore leads on to suggest that effective communication is derived from profound leadership due to the fact that if someone in a position of power can effectively delegate tasks they must be able to motivate, leading and be able to reduce the barriers of effective communication.Leadership is defined by Schermerhorn (2011) as the process of arousing enthusiasm and directing efforts towards o rganisational goals. Therefore, without proper communication skills, a manager will not be able to convey their instructions and therefore, makes the development of a leader stagnant. Claire Oldfield states her journal article that â€Å"[Leadership] unites people, develops opportunities and, crucially in these difficult times, ensures survival† (Oldfield C 2008, p. 69).This suggests that it is not only a way of future monetary successes, but a way to ensure that the organisation will survive during turbulent financial times (Oldfield 2008). Chadwick (2006) in ‘Leadership in Business Development’ states that â€Å"Successful business development leaders have a passion for their mission, and it generally shows in almost everything they do. By their positive attitude, intellectual quickness and exemplary work ethic, they inspire and lead the folks around them† (Chadwick 2006, p. 1) This shows that a leader must show some inspiration to the team in order for them to perform the tasks well.If the leader is able to communicate their vision in such a way that the employee’s will commit their resources into achieving an idealic solution for the manager, this will result in effective and efficient leadership (Schermerhorn 2011, p. 340). It also suggests that a leader must have the mental capacity to be able to inspire through motivation due to the fact that they are striving for the same result as the employee. Gage (2008) states in his journal article that the necessary leadership is one which strives on the use of reward and legitimate power (Gage 2008, p. ) (Schermerhorn 2011, p. 341). Schermerhorn (2011) defines reward power as â€Å"the capacity to offer something of value as a way of influencing them†. This is a practical sense is the ability to make an employee work to the managers standards by the use of offering an incentive (Schermerhorn 2011). This can be in the form of offering them an award or a salary bonus. Scher merhorn (2011) defines the use of legitimate power as the â€Å"capacity to influence other people by virtue of formal authority, or rights of office† (Schermerhorn 2011, p. 341).If the manager was able to exert his power by utilising these methods, there is no doubt that the workers of the organisation will work more effectively and efficiently because of the incentive which is offered for their services. There is evidence to suggest that leadership is helpful in any management scenario, but Peter Boxall states that â€Å"It takes strong executive leadership to bring about positive patterns of employment relations. In the end, it is the senior leadership of companies that should be responsible for the quality of employment relations† (Boxall 1995 p. 303).This quote by management professor Peter Boxall gives credence to the fact that it is necessary that without proper leadership, there will be no guidance for the rest of the team concluding to an inability to perform the tasks which are needed (Boxall 1995, p. 303). This will only hinder the process of management and can possibly lead to the termination of the organisation (Schermerhorn, 2011). In conclusion, communication and effective leadership considered to be the major challenges facing managers in the 20thcentury. It is crucial in any management scenario for an effective leader to be a fluent, competent and expert communicator.In essence, this can be applied to all leadership scenarios, but if not utilised properly can easily lead to the downfall of the organisation. A manager needs to also be a motivator through their leadership and communication skills because this is proven to the most effective way of getting the most efficient results from the employees. It therefore gives credence to the idea that a successful organisation is one who utilises the ideas of leadership and communication in their internal and external management effectively. Reference ListBoxall, P 1997, ‘The Chall enge of Human Resource Management’, Longman Paul Ltd. , Auckland, NZ Bratton, J & Gold, J 2007, ‘Human Resource Management Theory and Practice’, Palgrave Macmillanm New York, NY Brown, R & Cliquet F 2008, ‘Communication of Business Process Models’, BP Trends, Vol. 10, No. 9, accessed 3 October 2011, Business Source Complete Chadwick, S 2006, ‘Leadership in Business Development’, Printing Impressions, Vol. 49, No. 5, p. 114-115, accessed 3 October 2011, Business Source Complete Oldfield, C 2008, ‘Leadership’, Director. co. uk, Vol. 62, No. 4, p. 9, accessed 3 October 2011, Business Source Complete Peterson, K 2004, ‘Effective Communication promotes Business’, Kitchen and Bath Design News, Vol. 16, No. 12, accessed 3 October, Business Source Complete Ritchie, M 2008, ‘Leadership for Business’, Manitoba Business, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 5, accessed 3 October 2011, Business Source Complete Schermerhorn et. a l 2011, ‘Management’, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, QLD Weber & Chadwick Hong Kong 2004, ‘Product & Promotion – Marketing Communications: Business’, Media, Vol. 62, No. 21, accessed 3 October, Business Source Complete

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